Tag: aging gracefully

Upsides to Aging For Women
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Posted in Defy Aging

The Upsides to Aging For Women

Do you think there is are upsides to aging for women? The years following your filthiest birthday should be nothing short of amazing. The world could be officially your oyster!

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Posted in Defy Aging

Tips For Health And Vitality In Retirement

We may be getting older but there is no reason why we can’t have health and vitality in retirement. After all, this time is supposed to be our golden years.

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Posted in Defy Aging

Steps To Resist The Aging Process

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some steps to resist the aging process? Well, we have found seven steps that you can apply because we don’t need to look or feel old as we age.

Feeling Younger
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Posted in Defy Aging

Feeling Younger with More Energy

Are you looking at feeling younger with more energy as well? There are a number of habits you can incorporate to make sure you have a younger perspective.

Stop Feeling Old
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Posted in Defy Aging

How to Stop Feeling Old

We can stop feeling old with a few simple habits that we can do each day to preserve our mental and physical well-being and enjoy a life of vitality and energy long into our senior years.