Some Tips to Stop Worrying

Does it seem like there are so many things to worry about these days? In fact, there are a lot of challenges that most of us are experiencing. However, worrying about those challenges isn’t going to change anything. What if we could stop worrying so much so that we could have less stress in our lives?

Worrying probably started in childhood. You might have had to worry about getting to school on time, or whether or not you go a passing grade on the test.

This is a normal part of life but when it gets to the point of taking over your thoughts, it can become a problem.

If you want to get out of the habit of worrying, there are some simple tips that help you have more of a worry-free life.

Nothing Like Being Prepared

Stop WorryingUnfortunately, worry often comes from feeling like you aren’t prepared for something. This could be worrying about getting a new job to worry about your finances.

One of the best ways to lessen your worry is to be prepared. It is important that you get into the habit of figuring out solutions to these types of problems.

If you need a new job, get some help from a job recruiter or employment agency. When it comes to financing, talking to a financial planner or your bank could be the solution to your worries.

Stop Worrying by Letting it Go!

This might be the hardest thing to do, but sometimes we just need to let it go.

Worry does not offer a solution. It just keeps you trapped in the worry and can cause all sorts of stress. And as we know, stress can lead to both physical and mental problems.

If you are not ready to let something go, give yourself a period of time to worry about it. Then, decide on a plan of action to take care of the issue.

Making a List

One reason for people worrying is that they have all the issues in their heads because they are afraid they will forget something.

The solution: make a list. For simple things like grocery shopping you probably already make a list.

But, you can make a list of other issues as well. For instance, if you have a project you are working on, make a list of everything you need to do to complete the project.

What makes list-making such a rewarding experience is being able to check off items as you complete them.

This not only reducing worrying but also reduces stress!

One thing I like to do is make a To-Do List of what I need to do and then I transfer the items once they are completed to my Done List!

There is so much satisfaction in being able to do that.

Stop Worrying and Learn to Be Happy

Stop WorryingWe have all seen little children having a fun time and being just happy. No worries. Not a care in the world. Don’t we all want that?

You can’t be happy and be worried.

One way to find more ways to be happy is to start looking for the things and people in your life that make you feel happy.

If a worrying thought pops up, stop and look for something positive in your life that makes you feel happy.

This is a good habit to get into.

Declutter Your Life

Did you know that messy spaces cause us to worry? You can’t possibly feel good about yourself or your life if you are surrounded by clutter.

One habit you could start is picking up on a regular basis. Also, going through your things regularly and giving away items you no longer use is a good way to avoid clutter.

In fact, when you get rid of items that cause worry, you bring more joy and happiness into your life.

Find Time for Meditation

One of the positive aspects of meditation is that you will be able to quiet your mind for a few minutes each day.

As a result, you build a new habit that brings some peace to your mind and stops you from having to worry about anything.

The Health Cost of Worrying

Did you realize that worrying can have an adverse effect on your physical and mental health?

Here is a list of some of the health issues that can show up as a result of worrying:

  • Feeling of nervousness, restlessness, and being tense
  • Feeling like you are in danger or feelings of panic
  • Your heart rate can increase
  • Hyperventilation as a result of rapid breathing
  • Sweating profusely
  • Your body or your arms and legs can tremble
  • Feeling weak in the body or too tired
  • Having trouble with concentration
  • Overthinking everything and worrying about the future
  • Trouble sleeping including insomnia
  • Problems with digestion and other gastrointestinal difficulties
  • Trying to avoid things that trigger anxiety

All of these issues mean only one thing: you are worrying so much that you are depriving yourself of a happy life.

Your health gets affected so much that you can actually make yourself sick from worry.

Why Do You Worry About Your Life Video:

Final Thoughts:

First of all, any new habit is going to take some time to become entrenched into your daily routine.

You will need to pay attention each time a worrying thought shows up and try to replace it with something positive in your life.

It is important to be patient with yourself as you move into a new way of being.

The upside is that you will start to enjoy your life more and have a more positive attitude so you can live your best life.

In fact, you may just find that you are worrying less and living more!