Most of us struggle with temptation, but unless we find a way to resist temptation, we will never be as successful as we want to be. When you give in to temptation, you allow your mind to govern you rather than the other way around. Because of how we think, we are susceptible to temptations at all times.
Is it simple to make decisions that are good for you? No, that calls for some courage on your part.
We make poor choices because doing so is frequently an easier way out. It means we aren’t battling our own wits to act in a way that is in our own best interests.
If you want to avoid temptation, improve your decision-making skills, and show more confidence, follow these steps:
1. Take Away the Opportunity to Fail. It is far simpler to avoid giving in to temptation than it is to fight it off.
If you are tempted to eat ice cream, and you have ice cream in your refrigerator, it will be very difficult for you to resist eating the ice cream when you are inclined to do so.
If you are tempted to consume ice cream even though your refrigerator is stocked with veggies and nutritious snacks, you could head to the supermarket to purchase some.
However, you may find it easier not to go. The ability to avoid temptation is far superior to the ability to withstand it.
2. Make an Effort to Survive Those Few Initial Conflicts. The first time you successfully avoid temptation is a difficult challenge.
After the fiftieth attempt, it will be so much simpler that you won’t even be able to tell that you were tempted.
The ability to make sound judgments is improved by both learning and experience.
3. Be Aware of Your Emotional Triggers. Continue to look for resources, and educate yourself on how to recognize your triggers.
Writing in a journal can be of assistance to you in this endeavor. The process of decision-making is improved by knowledge more than by any other factor.
If you find that spending time alone in your home puts you in a mindset in which you are more likely to give in to triggers and make a decision that you’ll later come to regret, you should try to spend as much time as possible in the company of other people.
Having knowledge makes it easier to avoid making poor choices.
4. Be Conscious of the Preconceptions You Hold. Remove any reasons and explanations for your actions.
When something needs to be done, ask yourself, “Am I making the right decision, or am I making the easiest one for me?”
The majority of people have a built-in tendency to choose the route that offers the fewest obstacles to overcome.
When we are unable to think clearly, we frequently make poor decisions. Think about the decision for an extended period.
Avoid making a decision and then looking for justifications to support it afterward.
5. Remind Yourself of Your Long-Term Goals. As well, remember the reasons why achieving your goals will be beneficial.
It is essential that you keep your attention on the goal at hand. Always take into account how your choices will affect one another.
You might ponder this question: “Should I eat that hamburger and fries and feel upset for the rest of the day, or should I eat some fresh fruit and feel better about myself?”
“Should I get up now and get to work early in order to have a better day, or should I sleep in a little longer and come late to work”? Keeping your objective in mind will assist you in selecting the path that is best for you.
6. Remove Yourself Completely From The Temptation. Very few choices in life need to be made right now, and those that do are relatively limited.
Almost everything else can be put on hold for the time being. Temptation moves at a breakneck pace at all times.
It is looking for that satisfaction as quickly as it can get it.
The urge to make a decision that is contrary to your best interests may dissipate if you delay making a choice.
It is also helpful to remember that the pleasure you experience at the moment is never worth the guilt that follows it.
7. Finish What You Start. It is at this point when courage is required.
Make an effort and give your word. Once you get going, it is much simpler to keep going.
The development of courage is analogous to the training of muscles. You begin by making simple choices, and as time goes on, you get more skilled at doing so.
Learn To Resist Temptation Video:
Learning to Deal with Temptation!
There is a chance that your life will get better in the future. You might even plan out the specific steps necessary to obtain it.
However, without courage, you will never be able to complete the task of obtaining it.
Because living is about learning, nobody ever gets everything perfect the first time. We are unable to resist its allure.
Sometimes we make decisions based on our information, which might not be sufficient.
Nobody is completely without fear. You exhibit bravery by persisting in the face of fear and the pressure that comes with giving in to temptation.
Making a decision that requires guts isn’t always simple, but it’s always worth it in the end. You can build moral fortitude.
Self-discipline is essential to accomplishing this goal, and you can cultivate it by continuing to put in a lot of effort.
Reward yourself whenever you make a shrewd choice, and keep on working to improve your mental fitness.
Your life will get less difficult in direct proportion to the strength of your thinking and being able to resist temptation.