Love the Life You Already Have

Love the Life You Already HaveYou might not have the exact life you want, but there’s a good chance you can love the life you already have more than you currently do.

We have a strong ability to make ourselves unhappier than we need to be.

We’re also a little slow to implement the improvements that would make our lives more enjoyable.

We’re focused on the bad things, fail to see the good things, and tolerate more than we should.

You can love your life with just a few small changes, such as:

Get rid of the things that annoy you. Life is pretty good if you don’t have anything that bothers you. You don’t need an amazing car to be happy, but it’s hard to be happy if your car is unreliable.

  • Make a list of everything that gets on your nerves. It might be an overflowing kitchen junk drawer, a squeaky bed, leaky faucet, insufficient income, or weeds in the yard.
  • Start working on this list and eliminate them one at a time. You’ll be amazed how much more you like your life as the list gets smaller.

Reach out to your friends. Life can get so busy that we lose touch with the people we enjoy the most. Loving your life is largely about removing the negative and adding the positive. Add your friends back into your life.

Give yourself something to look forward to. One of the things we all need in life is something to look forward to. Plan something in the future that excites you and your life will be more enjoyable. As a result, you will love the life you already have even more.

Focus on making regular small improvements to your life. Another thing we all enjoy is the feeling of making progress in life.

Whether it’s losing five pounds, learning a new scale on the piano, or adding another $100 to our bank account, we enjoy seeing improvement.

  • Pick a few things in your life and focus on making a little progress each week.

Let go of the past. Spending time and energy reliving negative experiences from the past only degrades your mood and your life. Let it go.

Keep a gratitude log. List the things that make you feel grateful. This is a great way to recognize the positive things that already exist in your life. Make a habit of writing down at least five things each day.

Keep your eyes open for opportunities. Opportunities to enhance your life are all around you. There are people to date, jobs that pay better and are more enjoyable.

There are potential friends, activities you’ve never considered, educational opportunities, and many other possibilities right in front of you.

Take care of yourself. Get some sleep, hit the gym, eat better, and buy some new clothes. Be nicer to yourself and notice how much more you enjoy your life.

Participate in a hobby that you love. There’s more to life than work and maintaining your life. A hobby is a great way to explore your interests and have some fun.

Remove distractions. Distractions rob you of time and inhibit your progress.

You can’t make your life completely free of distractions, but you can come close. You’ll be in a position to love your life more if you’re not distracted.

Do You Want a More Fulfilling Life

There are many ways to love the life you already have, but if you are looking to make it more fulfilling, there is something you can do about that.

Of course, life has its ups and downs. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a wonderful life.

Wouldn’t you love to be able to get up each morning being excited about the day ahead? Having a fulfilling life means you have great happiness.

The good news: you get to choose the life you want to live!

Here are a few tips to help you get a fulfilling life:

Learn To Be Happy When Making Any Decision

Even if you dread making decisions you are not alone. However, it is either you or someone else who will make the decision for you.

As a result, you are probably not going to be happy with their decision and you in fact give up ownership and power over your own decisions.

How to make a decision: Don’t settle. Start by making small choices and feel the power of being your own person. As you get more comfortable making decisions, it will get easier.

Sometimes you may have to go along with what others want. That’s okay if it doesn’t have a negative effect on your life.

Learn to be Honest with Yourself

In order to be honest with others, you are going to have to first be honest with yourself.

Take a look at all the components in your life. Do you work too much? Are you spending enough time with family and friends? Do you have outside interests or hobbies?

This is an opportunity to really evaluate your life. Are you motivated to have what you truly desire in life or are you unfocused?

Talk to a spouse or someone you trust about your hopes and dreams. Once we put our plans out there to others, we make them more real.

Learn to Conquer Your Fears

Fear is the number one reason people don’t accomplish their goals. If you have a fear of accomplishing something, take a look at some small steps that could get you there.

By starting small and accomplishing a small step you will feel more successful and it will motivate you to take more steps.

Before long you will wonder why you were fearful in the first place and your life will be enriched!

Make a Commitment

You are either committed one hundred percent or you are not committed at all. If there are obstacles in the way, find a solution.

When we are committed to something we will find a way. We will find someone to help us or other means to get what we want in life.

Try writing some affirmations that you look at daily and commit to saying them out loud. Tell yourself you are good enough! Tell yourself you have what it takes!

Only you have the power to transform your life into whatever you want.

All you need is a little bit of courage, make a commitment so that you can have a fulfilling life that you will get to enjoy each day!

What Makes A Good Life? Lessons from The Longest Study On Happiness Video:

Final Thoughts:

Your life is better than you think. You can also make your life significantly better with just a few small changes.

Happiness is a skill more than it is about having a particular set of circumstances.

When you do the right things and have the right perspective, your life will be much more enjoyable to you.

You can create the life you deserve without doing anything drastic or winning the lottery.