How to Find and Fulfill Your Purpose

find and fulfill your purposeThe last number of months have seen us have to deal with unprecedented challenges. As a result, you probably haven’t thought too much about wanting to find and fulfill your purpose. Since the global situation isn’t going to go away for a while, maybe it is time to look for purpose in your life.

You are probably not alone in this pursuit. Many people are attempting a new normal and that means finding what makes you happy and fulfilled.

First of all in order to find your purpose you have to recognize what your true passion might be in life. Once you know you will be able to live your best life.

In truth, it isn’t really that difficult to identify your passion or passions.

First of all, you could ask yourself a series of questions.

Here are a few examples you might use:

How do you do spend your time outside of work?

The answer to this question should allow you some insight into what your hobbies and interests are that you enjoy.

What is the one thing you like to do whenever you get a chance?

Find and Fulfill Your PurposeAnswering this question will help you identify some things that you can’t wait to spend time enjoying.

Is there something you enjoy doing that makes you feel excited?

This is usually linked with something we are good at doing. This would include your many gifts and talents.

Is there something you like doing that makes you feel more confident?

Maybe you like to spend time writing or singing or perhaps being involved in an art project. These are probably activities that you feel you are good at and enjoy doing.

As a result, you feel more confident in your abilities. As well, you probably don’t even think twice about doing them.

Is there something you would do even if you weren’t earning money from it?

Again this implies things you are passionate about. You don’t consider making money from this passion.

In fact, it is something you love doing it and don’t even consider how much it costs or whether there is a financial return.

You just want to spend as much of your spare time being able to enjoy yourself with this task.

Is there something you would dearly like to change in the world?

Your answer to this question could include a number of different things such as providing more reliable drinking water.

Or it could mean that you would like to help underprivileged children or perhaps be involved in helping to stop an animal from becoming extinct.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Most of us have a hobby we enjoy. Perhaps you have never thought that it would be something you could earn a living from pursuing.

Are you someone who likes to write or create music. What are your hobbies?

Are your hobbies something that would enable you to find and fulfill your purpose?

What in life makes you smile?

Perhaps you have never thought about this before, but what makes you smile? What are the things in your life you love and enjoy doing?

It could be anything from spending time teaching someone to cook or fixing old furniture.

Just one of the many things you do that puts a smile on your face.

Make a List!

Find and Fulfill Your PurposeGo through this list and write down everything that appeals to you. This is a way to start to find and fulfill your purpose.

Once you have a list, take a look at it and find the one thing that keeps getting repeated again and again.

Once you find that item you have probably found something you are passionate about. This could be the answer to you being able to find and fulfill your purpose.

This could be that one thing that you love doing or want to do when you have some spare time.

Once you have found that item, your next step is going to be to find some time in your day to pursue this new passion.

List of Books to Help You Find Your Purpose

Sometimes we just need a little bit of inspiration to figure out what is our purpose in life. If you feel like something is missing, but are not sure what that might be, there are books that can inspire you.

If you are looking to live an authentic life, as well as become the best you possible, here is a list of books you might want to read as a way to help find and fulfill your purpose.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”1594634726″ key=”image” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Elizabeth Gilbert who is a bestselling author presents what is basically her creative decree in Big Magic. She believes that in order to seize your potential you have to show up and push through the inevitable self-doubt.

She feels it is important to be able to stay focused. Also one needs to find joy in what you are doing and keep going. Then you will be rewarded by finding the “strange jewels” of inspiration that she thinks are available to all of us.

Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”1565126165″ key=”image” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Remarkably Breakfast with Buddha which is a ‘self-help book,  is written more like a novel.

The book explores the human condition and life choices as a pair of men initiate a trip across modern America.

F*ck Feelings by Michael Bennett MD & Sarah Bennett

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”1476789991″ key=”image” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Michael Bennett is a psychiatrist and along with his daughter, has written a book, F*ck Feelings that encourages us to look past our immediate responses to life’s problems.

They want us to see the bigger picture.

This book is recommended for anyone who is currently struggling with negative thought patterns.

David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”0316204374″ key=”image” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Author Malcolm Gladwell takes the well-known Biblical story, David and Goliath, as his primary comparison.

He argues that David shouldn’t have won the battle with the giant.

In his book, he asks people to ‘find the giant within.’

This book will show you how you can see that nothing we encounter is too big for us to handle.

Later is a Liar by Richard E. Toney PhD

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”1490757686″ key=”image” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Is procrastination your problem? If so, Dr. Richard E. Toney’s book Later is a Liar,  will help you see that later actually means never.  He says in the book that all you have is this moment.

Dr. Toney will show you how to set boundaries. As well, he shows how we should take only what we can handle and let go of the unfortunate attitude of procrastinating.

Year of Yes by Shona Rimes

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”1476777128″ key=”image” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Shona Rimes who is the creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal shares how by making the decision to say ‘Yes’ was able to change her life.

In the book, Year of Yes, she talks about this helped her grow from being an introvert. She talks about how she suffered from panic attacks before media interviews.

However, she was able to claim her place in the spotlight. Instead of living in fear and anxiety, she decided to say yes to all those things that scared her.

How to Find Your Purpose Later in Life

Are you retired? Or are you getting on in years and think you might have missed the boat when it comes to finding your purpose?

In truth, you are probably in a better position than when you were younger. You probably have a better understanding of what you want out of life.

On top of that, you are more likely to have the skills you need in order to focus on your life’s purpose!

Here Are Some Thoughts to Ponder!

Get Your Mindset in Order:  The first step is to declutter your mind of all your preconceived ideas about what is and isn’t possible.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can always choose to make your life better.

Unfortunately, society tends to put everyone in a box based on their age and other criteria. It is important to be reminded that some people didn’t “hit it big” until much later in life.

For instance, Warren Buffett is in his eighties and still a very successful and influential business person. Picasso was still painting when he died at the ripe old age of ninety-two.

Just because you are of a certain age, doesn’t mean you have to take to the rocking chair!

What Are Passionate About: Do what makes you happy. What you have passion for doing. Forget about any expectations on your part. Forget about earning money.

What do you want to do with the rest of your life? Sail around the world? Got on art tours to Europe? Start writing the novel you always wanted to write? Teach yoga, painting, or anything else you desire.

Maybe you have always wanted to learn to play the piano or sing in a choir. Just do some brainstorming and find out what makes you smile!

Get a Plan and Strategize: You can approach this as if you are working on a project. You have lots of experience and you probably know what you like and what you want to do with the rest of your life.

Once you figure out what that is, sit down and write down everything you will need to do to get started.

Ask yourself what skills you already have or what training you might need. Just take some time to write out a plan of action and how long you think it will take.

Next, set some timelines and figure out the resources you will need.

How To Know Your Life Purpose In 5 Minutes Video:

Final Thoughts!

Age should never stop you from getting what you want out of life.

These people didn’t let age get in their way:

Looking to find and fulfill your life’s purpose offers real benefits for our mental and physical health, no matter our age.

It has been proven that adults who have a purpose live longer and have healthier lives. In fact, they deal better with stress as well.

So, no matter if you want to change careers, find a new passion, or share your life skills, there is no time like the present.