Category: Food and Exercise

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Posted in Food and Exercise

How an Exercise Journal Enhances Your Workouts

To achieve your fitness goals, use a piece of paper or a specially made template to create an exercise schedule. Record your progress to ensure success.

keep your weight in check
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Ways to Keep Your Weight In Check While Traveling

Going on vacation is all about making memories; however, you might want to keep your weight in check since you don’t want to come home with an accumulation of excess fat.

benefits of micro-exercises
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Unlocking the Benefits of Micro-Exercises for Beginners

You can make a lot of justifications for not working out. Why not exercise at home and get to experience the benefits of micro-exercises?

cardio and weights
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Posted in Food and Exercise

How Cardio and Weights Can Supercharge Your Fitness Journey

Do you want to start an exercise routine but aren’t sure how to start it? It might be hard to decide between cardio and weights, but we have some ideas to help you decide.

take your time eating
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Popular Reasons To Take Your Time Eating

There are good reasons to take your time eating. Frequently we are in a hurry, so we rush at meals. Enjoy your meals at a leisurely pace. You’ll be happy that you did!

shed pounds
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Shed Pounds Without Feeling Deprived

Are you trying to shed pounds but dread starting another diet? Find out how to reduce your weight without depriving yourself or experiencing frustration.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

How to Burn More Calories

Are you trying to drop a few pounds? If so, one thing to remember is to find ways to burn more calories and some measures you can take to ensure your success.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

Optimal Health With the DASH Diet Plan

By following the DASH diet plan, your blood pressure should decrease. This diet is an ideal eating pattern that can be followed by anyone who is concerned with their health.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

Exercise Programs for the Mind and the Body

People are not only concerned with their physical appearance; they also want to relieve stress and attain mental calmness through their exercise programs.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

4 Steps to Beating Emotional Overeating

Are you fighting a losing battle against the scale? There is a way of beating emotional overeating. It doesn’t have to take control of your life.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

Transform Your Diet In Five Easy Steps

We live in a society where ease of use is the norm, and this extends to the kinds of meals we eat. Maybe you need to transform your diet so you stay healthy and happy.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

Do You Need More Fat In Your Diet?

You might be shocked at how essential the fat in your diet is to your well-being. When you include healthy fat in your meals, you will feel more satisfied after eating.

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Posted in Food and Exercise

Unexpected Dangers of Not Eating Enough

Millions of people follow weight loss shows on television and read books about dieting. But has anyone ever said that not eating enough can be dangerous?

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Posted in Food and Exercise

Eat Healthier Foods: Top Five Tips

It is common knowledge that certain foods are more beneficial to one’s health than others. It is often challenging to eat healthier foods if you are busy.

reduce alcohol consumption
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Reduce Alcohol Consumption Without Feeling Deprived

You say you want to reduce alcohol consumption, but you’re not quite ready to give up having fun. There are methods to reduce drinking while still having a good time.

sabotaging your diet
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Posted in Food and Exercise

How to Prevent Sabotaging Your Diet

Dieting is difficult, but most of us make it harder than it has to be in order to be successful. You can be a successful dieter and won’t be sabotaging your diet!

meal planning
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Posted in Food and Exercise

How to Be Successful at Meal Planning

Do you continuously attempt to improve your diet but find that life gets in the way? Meal planning could be…

Habits That Prevent Weight Loss
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Posted in Food and Exercise

3 Mental Habits That Prevent Weight Loss

You think you can lose weight. I bet you think reducing calories and exercising more will do it. However, it could be some mental habits that prevent weight loss.

Diet to Treat Depression
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Having a Healthy Diet to Treat Depression

Did you know that the food you eat can affect the way your mind functions? Because of this, maintaining a healthy diet to treat depression is really necessary.

Change Your Diet to Veganism
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Posted in Food and Exercise

Top Reasons to Change Your Diet to Veganism

Veganism is good for both your health and your bank account. There are a number of reasons why you should change your diet to veganism.