Easy Ideas to Move More Each Day

Recently the American Heart Association, reported that the amount of time people are spending sitting is becoming a serious health concern. In order to take better care of ourselves, it is important that we move more each day.

The fact that most of us work a full-time job and have kids taking time for some exercise can be a bit difficult.

However, there are a few ways we can sit less and move more each day without too many difficulties.

Ideas to Move More And Sit Less

Take a Break Every Hour

This is a really easy one. No matter if you work away from the home or in your home, you can get up from your desk and take a short walk.

It could be to the water cooler or the bathroom, or just stand up and stretch for a couple of minutes. All you need to do is move for just five minutes every hour.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind you if necessary.

Stay Hydrated!

Move More Each DayAlthough this might not have anything to do with moving, it is important that we stay hydrated.

However, the more water you drink, the more bathroom breaks you will need.

So this results in an excuse to get up from your desk and take a walk.

As well, you have to make some extra trips to refill that water bottle. Win, Win!

Eat Some Place Other Than Your Desk

No matter how much time you get for your lunch break, find someplace other than your desk to eat it. Go outside if the weather is nice.

If you have a lunchroom, have your lunch there. It’s a great place to talk to the people you work with as well.

If you walk to work, walk home for lunch!

Get a Standing Desk

If you work in an office, you might need your boss’s permission to get a standing desk.

If you work from home, there are plenty of different styles of [easyazon_link identifier=”B08KNXLNH4″ locale=”US” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]standing desks[/easyazon_link] available. Some aren’t that expensive as well.

Most standing desks are convertible. This means that they can be adjusted to different heights so you can sit or stand as you like.

The good news is these types of desks means you won’t have to sit s much.

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” identifier=”B08LNCC8J8″ key=”image” locale=”US” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]

Park Farther Away from the Door

This is another easy way to get some more movement into your day.

Whether it is at your workplace, a restaurant, or the grocery store, park as far away from the front door as possible.

This way you are forced to walk more.

It also helps with the environment since you won’t have to waste gas looking for a closer parking space.

You might even save yourself some time when you can easily find a place to park.

Exercise While TV Watching

You don’t have to be a total couch potato. Use the time during your favorite TV show to do some stretches.

You could even lift some weights or use a treadmill or bike while you watch the show.

Make it a challenge to see if you can go the whole 30 or 60 minutes that you watch the show.

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Take A Break During Commercials

This is a great time to get up and walk around the house. Commercials generally last three to four minutes so there is no reason you can’t do a little stretching.

Go for a walk to the bathroom, empty the dishwasher, or throw a load in the washer.

Next time you are watching TV and a commercial comes on, get up and move!

Make Your Meals at Home

[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”1948703580″ locale=”US” src=”https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61qqZ3d2bBL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”createthebestlife-20″ width=”130″]Two things here. First, eating home-cooked meals means you are probably getting better nutrition.

Secondly, you actually have to move around the kitchen while you do meal prep.

[easyazon_link identifier=”1948703580″ locale=”US” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Try some new recipes[/easyazon_link]. Cook with your children. Make it fun and a little challenging.

Another upside of cooking your meals is that you have to go to the grocery store for the ingredients. The plus: more walking!

Got a Dog or Get a Dog?

If you have a dog, you have no excuse not to get out and walk the dog.

This is one of the best and easiest ways to move more each day.

Don’t have a dog? You can always ask a neighbor if you can walk their dog.

Or volunteer at a pet shelter.

Need some extra income? Set up a dog walking service.

Change the Way You Get to Work

How about not taking the car to work?

If this is feasible, you could walk, or you could ride your bike.

You could even switch to taking public transport if it works for you.

The more times you can get out of your car, the more chances you have for exercise.

Stand While You Commute

If you take the bus or train to work, try standing for the ride rather than sitting.

Since you most likely will end up sitting for most of the day at work, this is a good thing.

Besides burning calories for standing, you will burn more as you will need to keep your balance!

Take the Stairs

Instead of taking the elevator especially, it is just for one floor, take the stairs.

You could also take the elevator up to a couple of floors below where you need to go and walk the stairs the rest of the way.

Not only is this a good way to get some exercise, but it helps to burn calories as well.

Join a Fitness Class

Does your place of work offer fitness classes at lunchtime?

If not, spend some of your lunch hours walking around the office either inside when the weather is bad or outside in the sunshine.

Maybe you could find a 30-minute class near the office. Or stop by the gym before or after work as a great way to move more each day.

Plan Activities with Friends

Move More Each DayInstead of spending time with friends in a restaurant or bar, plan some outdoor activities.

There are so many things you could do, from hiking up local trails to going to a fitness class together.

Dance Like Nobody is Watching

No one likes to do chores around the house.

In fact, these jobs are really boring so why not do some dancing while working.

Crank up the music and have some fun. You might even enjoy these boring chores.

Make it fun, and maybe get the kids to join you.

Get and Wear a Fitness Tracker

If you don’t have one already, get a fitness tracker. There is nothing better than being reminded to get up and move.

If you aren’t wearing one, you have no idea how much or how little you are moving.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on an [easyazon_link identifier=”B08J5XF5SR” locale=”US” tag=”createthebestlife-20″]Apple Watch[/easyazon_link]. There are lots of inexpensive options.

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Walk to Shop

If you live in a city or town where you can walk to shop, leave the car at home.

First of all, you get out in nature, and second, you get to move your body.

You just might enjoy shopping more, and when you get your errands done, you can reward yourself with a break for a coffee or tea.

Not only does this do your body good, but you also save on parking and gas fees.

Working in the Yard

Working in your yard is a great way to move your body.

Each season brings different jobs that need to be taken care of.

In the fall, you can rake the leaves. O in the winter, clear the driveway and walkways.

In the spring, plant some flowers. In the summer, mow the lawn.

Besides getting a workout, you also get to be proud of your yard and home.

Talk a Walk After a Meal

Do you end up heading for the couch after dinner? Instead, get your spouse and kids and take a walk around the neighborhood.

You will find that you digest your meal better, and you get to move your body.

Your family will appreciate the time you spend with them, and you might find you feel better as well.

How About a Workplace Challenge

You could start a workplace challenge or participate in one that someone else sets up.

If there isn’t one in your place of work, talk to the boss about starting one.

The prize doesn’t have to be expensive. A gift card for the local coffee shop will do.

If that isn’t feasible, talk to your fellow coworkers and see if they want to take part of their lunchtime for a walk around the block.

This is a great way to get healthy together and build some good relationships.

Instead of Sending an Email, Talk to Coworkers

move more each dayWho says you can’t get up and walk over to a coworker instead of emailing them for something you need?

This is a great habit to get into, and you exercise your body instead of just your fingers.

Use an Exercise Ball Instead of a Chair

Exchange your desk chair for an exercise ball. Sitting on one will help tone muscles along with helping improve balance.

As the ball moves, you shift your weight, which means you are moving your body more than you would be sitting in a chair.

Start Practicing Yoga

Consider practicing yoga first thing in the morning. You just need to do five or ten minutes of stretches.

This is a great way to wake up your body and have an active start to the day.

If you want to take this further, consider attending yoga classes.

Tips To Sit Less And Move More Video:

Final Thoughts

Sitting at a desk all day long doesn’t help with your overall health. Finding ways to move more each day means you help with circulation in your body.

Better circulation means better health and well-being.

You don’t have to do a lot. Just plan some simple movements during the day that you enjoy.

Try picking some items from this list. Maybe try one or two each week and see how it makes you feel.

In the end, you are living a healthy and more active lifestyle.

Move More Each Day