Practicing Yoga is for Everyone

Are you one of those people who think they can’t do yoga? Well, it is for everyone. You just need to get over the feeling that you can’t practice yoga because you weigh too much or are not flexible enough.

There are a number of common excuses for avoiding practicing yoga. Let’s look at a few of them and ways you can overcome the excuses.

But I’m Not Flexible Enough

Yoga is For EveryoneThe truth is that most people aren’t very flexible. We spend too much of our time sitting at the computer or watching TV.

The results are that we end up with shortened muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Because of this you probably can’t touch your toes.

However, with a little time and practice, you can improve your flexibility and yoga is the way to get there.

It will be able to help you to go from not being able to touch your toes to someone who will have the ability to perform many poses. Who knows you may even get to look like a human pretzel!

One way to make it easier to practice is to start by using bolsters and blocks. If you can’t touch your toes, you can use blocks on the floor and touch the blocks.

The practice of yoga is just that: a practice. You start out not being able to do something like touching your toes and over time you will get more flexible so you can touch your toes.

You can modify the poses to a person’s current flexibility level. As well it can help you to improve your flexibility quickly.

But I’m Too Overweight

This is just an excuse. There are lots of classes that offer beginner classes or for people that may be out of shape or overweight.

Yoga is For EveryoneEven if you are overweight you can still start practicing the poses. You may have to modify them but this is doable.

Almost everyone who starts has had to begin by modifying poses. No one is an expert when it comes to yoga.

People who have practiced the poses for decades are still learning and growing.

Don’t let being overweight as an excuse for not getting involved in this type of exercise. As a matter of fact, yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, lose weight and gain endurance and strength.

It is also a way to get more comfortable with your body.

But I’m Sick

Even if you have chronic conditions such as arthritis, respiratory conditions, or even chronic fatigue that results in you not wanting to give yoga a try, this is unfortunate.

It is unfortunate because yoga may actually improve your health challenges. You may find that your symptoms are reduced or even alleviated.

Although arthritis is painful, the regular movement might reduce the pain.

Even though chronic fatigue is debilitating to some people, yoga helps to get the blood circulating and as a result, you may have more energy.

Exercise actually helps to release healthy hormones that can make you feel better and even have more vitality.

It is good to remember that yoga fits into anyone’s present fitness and health level. You can start with a beginner’s class or even try one of the gentler forms such as Hatha yoga.

Finding an instructor that is compassionate and understanding of your fitness level so you can start enjoying all the benefits of yoga.

What is the Best Style for You?

Yoga is For EveryoneYoga continues to become more popular all the time. There are new styles being developed.

For the most part, these new styles of yoga are really just older styles that have been combined to offer maximum benefits.

There are literally many different styles.

Here is a  list to give you some idea of the style that is the right one for you.

Calm and Restorative Yoga

If you are looking to detoxify your body or soothe daily stresses or even become more centered, you should embrace a calm style.

There are a number of calm and restorative styles.

Restorative Yoga: This is the name of this style. The primary benefit is that it is designed to help repair and restore the body.

There are about five different poses and you will hold each pose for extended periods of time.

Viniyoga: Vini means adaptive and that is exactly what this style is all about. The idea is that it is adaptive to your needs and goals.

Yoga is For EveryoneThis style of yoga is perfect for people who are working through injuries or other limitations.

It is usually practiced in a small group setting or one on one.

The idea is that the instructor can create a practice that will be just right for you and your fitness level.

Ananda: This style focuses on utilizing gentle poses that have been designed to move energy.

You will need to prepare the mind and body for a calm state and for meditation.

Powerful and Intense Yoga: If you are looking for a style that will challenge you, help you to build strength, and improve your overall fitness, then the following styles may be right for you.

Ashtanga Yoga: If you want physically challenging yoga, this is the one for you. The idea is to move quickly from one pose to the next. This is designed to not only build strength and flexibility but endurance as well.

Power Vinyasa Yoga: Power yoga is another physically demanding style. The idea is to improve both strength and flexibility.

Yoga is For EveryoneThis style is generally practiced as hot yoga.

This means you will be in a room that is around 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The goal of hot yoga is to detoxify the body and as well it is a great way to lose some weight.

Bikram Yoga: This style provides a complete workout. You will move through twenty-six different poses that are designed to improve strength, endurance, cardiovascular, and flexibility.

These classes are done in a hot room.

How to Have the Best of Both Worlds

It is important to note that you don’t have to only choose one style of yoga. Since there are a number of different styles, you can choose ones that have both mental and physical benefits.

Iyengar Yoga:  This style is one of the most popular styles of yoga. The poses are active and as well they include the use of props. This makes it the perfect choice for beginners to advanced practitioners.

Hatha Yoga: Hatha yoga is the foundation for most styles. Traditional Hatha yoga is fairly easy to learn and suitable for all fitness levels.

You will enjoy both active poses which will challenge you and help you to increase your flexibility, strength, and endurance. As well you get to enjoy the calming and restorative poses.

Final Words:

These styles are just the beginning of our journey in being able to create the best life.

There are other styles depending on your circumstances such as prenatal yoga. This style is great for pregnant women or women who have just had a baby.

There are even styles for people who want to be more creative or even who want to be competitive.

If you are just getting started on your yoga practice, start with the basic styles that will meet your fitness needs, and then try more advanced styles as you get fitter and more flexible.

Styles of Yoga Explained – What Style is Best for You?

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