14 Questions to Get to Know Yourself Better

know yourselfWho are you, really? The most significant blind spot any of us have is within ourselves. When you know yourself better, you will be able to live the life you want.

We don’t have a very good understanding of ourselves. We definitely do not perceive ourselves in the same way that others do.

It’s possible that getting to know the real you will be one of the most difficult trials you’ll ever face. However, it is a task that should be pursued.

Gaining a deeper understanding of oneself brings a multitude of advantages. You improve both your ability to manage yourself and how you live your life.

Ask the Following Questions to Know Yourself:

1. What Can I Do to Take My Mind off My Problems? Every one of us has our own special tricks that we use to get out of doing things that we don’t want to.

You may go out to a restaurant with friends, spend time shopping or binge-watching Netflix or TV, spend time on your devices with social media or playing games, or spend too much time sleeping or reading books.

In fact, anything to avoid looking at solving your issues.

If you are aware of how you divert your attention, you will be able to recognize when you are putting off something that needs to be done.

2. If I Could Talk To My Younger Self, What Would I Say? Everyone has at least one regret from their past and wishes they could go back in time and change it.

If you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?

3. What Part of The Day is Easiest For Me To Concentrate? For the vast majority of people, the best time of day to concentrate is either early in the morning or late in the evening.

know yourselfWhen do you feel that it is easiest for you to concentrate?

In what ways can you use this information in your day-to-day activities?

4. When In The Day Do I Find That I Have The Most Innovative Ideas? When do you feel that your creativity is at its peak?

What do you plan to do with that information?

5. What Are Ten Words That Best Characterize You And Your Personality? Be truthful and sincere with yourself.

These are not the words you would like to be able to describe yourself but the words that actually describe who you are.

6. If You Could Choose 10 Words To Define Yourself, What Would They Be? You are now going to make a list of the ten words that, if true, would best describe you.

7. What Do I Seem to Put Up With In My Life Right Now? Create a list of the things in your life that you put up with instead of doing something about it.

Is it your boss or a co-worker? A spouse or partner? Your car that isn’t in the best shape? Carrying extra weight? Debt?

What are you willing to put up with in your life that you know you should get rid of?

8. What do I Consider to be My Life’s Purpose? Are you directing your life in the appropriate way?

9. If I Had To Cut Out One Person From My Life, Who Would I Choose? Who would it be if you were forced to choose just one person to cut out of your life?

Describe that person. Why did you choose that one? Why do they continue to have a role in your life?

How To Know Yourself Video:

10. If I Could Have any Kind of Day, What Would it Look Like? Knowing what a good day looks like to you will make it a lot easier to have one.

Describe the best day of your life. Now, give an account of a day that is even more enjoyable.

11. Whom do I Admire and Respect The Most? Why do you hold this individual in such high regard?

Do you share some of this individual’s characteristics with yourself?

How would your life be different if you had these characteristics?

12. If I Had Less Fear, What Would I Do With My Time? Fear restricts us all.

know yourselfIn what ways does fear prevent you from achieving your goals?

The vast majority of people mistakenly assume they have triumphed over their issues when, in truth, they have only discovered ways to sidestep them.

A life that is constructed on the necessity of evading your fears is a life that is restricted in scope.

13. What is the Area in Which I Struggle The Most? Nobody is without flaws.

There will always be areas in which you struggle.

What is it that you struggle with the most, and how does it affect your life?

How can you get around this obstacle?

14. What is my Most Significant Strength? How can I make the most of my biggest strength to improve my chances of success?

Have I been using my strengths to their fullest extent?

Knowing Yourself Will Give You More Control Over Your Life!

When you know yourself, you have incredible power.

You can become a powerful person if you are aware of your capabilities and limitations and know how to control yourself successfully.

You have a direction in your life if you are aware of the kind of person you want to become and the way you want to live.

Getting to know oneself is the first step in achieving freedom.

know yourself