How to Spend Time on Happy Pursuits

Do you worry about wasting time and think that maybe you should not be so frivolous with what you do and instead give more time to happy pursuits? If you are doing things that don’t make you happy such as working at a job you hate, maybe it is time to make some changes.

If you find that you are spending time scrolling through your various social media accounts, playing video games, and just avoiding issues in general, you are wasting time.

This is valuable time that you will never get back.

Of course, there are going to be many things we have to take care of that don’t make us happy. Things like washing the dishes, cleaning the house, or paying our taxes.

Some of these things we can’t avoid. They are part of making our life work.

However, if you are spending many hours commuting to a job you don’t want to do, what is the cost to your mental well-being?

Find the Many Ways to Engage in Happy Pursuits

Delegate Tasks You Hate

Now, this might be a foreign concept to you, but the things you hate doing just might be what someone else loves to do.

happy pursuitsIf you hate having to clean your house, maybe you can find someone who loves cleaning. If you don’t want to pay for this job, find someone you can swap tasks with.

You love to make bread, swap with someone who loves to clean houses.

It is important to understand that you probably aren’t giving your best to whatever task you hate doing.

The end result of delegating to someone is that it lifts the struggle from your life and gives you more time for the things you really like doing.

Making ‘Wasted Time’ More Productive

As said previously, there are going to be some tasks that you aren’t going to be able to avoid. Maybe you love your job but you hate the commute.

Instead of wasting time being upset about the commute, turn it into a productive activity instead.

Today you can listen to podcasts and fiction and non-fiction books while driving in the car. Have to commute by bus or train? Put in your earbuds and listen away!

You may not end up loving the commute, but at least it won’t be boring and you won’t be wasting your time.

How About A Change?

If you find yourself spending a great deal more time on things that don’t bring you joy, maybe it is time for a change.

Is your job no longer satisfying? Time for a change? Can you get a new position in your company or apply somewhere else?

Do you hate the town or city you live in? Time for a transfer or move to another location?

Hate your home, apartment, place of residence? How about finding a new place to live?

Yes, change is scary. But, what is even worse, is living a life you don’t like and the damage it does to your well-being.

Take some time to really look at what you are doing and where you live. What would make you happier?

Wouldn’t you rather spend the majority of your day on happy pursuits?

Finding a Passion that Makes You Happy

One of the ways to feel good about your life is to pursue a passion. When you are involved in something you feel passionate about, you find yourself smiling.

happy pursuitsYou feel better about yourself and your life. You aren’t wasting time on things and activities that don’t give you joy.

When you are involved in something you are passionate about your spirits are lifted and your energy increases.

Now finding a passion may not make you super happy, but it can add more satisfaction to your life.

Don’t weigh your passion against what other people think. If it is right for you it will boost our mood, and that is important.

What Are You Passionate About?

So what is your passion? Do you love dancing? Maybe you love writing or drawing.

Whatever the passion is, it will widen your horizon and give you satisfaction in other areas as well.

One of the many upsides of finding happy pursuits is that your self-esteem increases. You feel so much better about yourself.

In fact, following your passion will give you more satisfaction than chasing after things. A new home, car, loads of money, or other luxuries are superficial.

There is no lasting happiness in having the latest of anything!

Finding Happiness in All Areas

You might be surprised to find that happiness can flow into other areas of your life. You just might find your relationships improve.

Or a door opens in your job or career areas that you want to pursue.

Happiness has a lot of links in the chain. Each link must make you feel satisfied in order for you to feel happy.

Now, your passion might not suddenly show up in your life. You may right now not even know what you are passionate about.

Take a look at all the things you do each day, week, or month. Where do you spend most of your time?

Do you see yourself looking through the want ads for a job in your field?

Or do you spend a lot of time at the gym? Maybe your passion is getting in the best shape of your life.

Your passion can be around giving back to your community. Maybe you would like to volunteer at an animal rescue center or other charity.

Transform Your Life with Passion

A passion may just transform your life. It certainly can help you realize more about who you really are and what you were meant to do with your life.

You might want to consider what is best regarding your passion for yourself. It is not meant to please anyone else.

Just remember that age is not a barrier. You can enjoy learning to play the piano after you retire even though you know you will never be a concert pianist.

Enjoy the passion for the simple pleasure it gives you.

Also, your passion doesn’t have to be something you are really good at doing. As long as you are engaged in some happy pursuits, go for it.

Ten Happy Pursuits Affirmations

happy pursuitsAffirmations are simply a positive statement you make as you go through the day. Affirmations are meant to inspire us. To motivate and encourage us.

They are a powerful tool that can offer strength, confidence, and positive feelings when you need them the most.

If you have never done affirmations before, start with short, simple phrases. Affirmations are kind of like a mantra.

The idea is to use them as reminders so that your mind can focus on what it is you want in your life.

Affirmations bring a sense of positivity and will actually boost your mood.

You don’t have to stick to one affirmation each day. Change them based on whatever it is that you want to accomplish that day.

Here Are Some Examples of Affirmations:

  • Today I feel safe and secure.
  • I’m focusing on the positive aspects of my life each day.
  • I change my life with deliberate intentional action.
  • I handle each challenge no matter what it looks like.
  • What I do has importance in life. I am enough.
  • I control myself and only what I can control and I leave the rest.
  • Smiling makes me feel happier.
  • Today I am grateful for everything I have in my life
  • I live each moment as it comes. I let go of the past and the future takes care of itself.
  • Today I am filled with joy and optimism.

The Truth Regarding Affirmations

It is important to note that affirmations are about encouraging our inner self to see what is possible.

We are not lying to ourselves or delusional.

When we look at the bright side of situations, we are staying positive without trying to ignore the actual facts of the situation.

We are not pretending that everything is just perfect! That is not how affirmations work.

Affirmations Take Practice

When you develop honest mood-lifting strategies, you are ahead of the game. It is important that you get in a habit of avoiding negative self-talk.

In fact, it is more important to stay focused on staying positive no matter what challenges or issues you are dealing with on a daily basis.

Make affirmations a habit. It is probably going to take some time before this becomes a habit.

The more often you use affirmations, the more likely they will become automatic.

Generating Positive Energy

If you work on practicing positive self-talk, and affirmations to boost your mood, your experiences in life will be more joyful.

You will feel less stressed, and better able to handle challenges and other issues in your life. Boosting your mood lifts your spirits and is good for your general wellbeing.

Create Your Own Affirmations

You can create your own affirmations that are unique and meaningful to you. All you need to do is consider the areas of your life you feel need some positivity.

Once you have that figured out you just need to customize your affirmations for your personality and for your own requirements.

You Don’t Find Happiness, You Create It Video:

Final Thoughts:

When we end up doing tasks we loathe, we put increased pressure on ourselves and this can result in feelings of despair and even depression.

We may even end up resenting others and even ourselves.

The solution is that we stop wasting time on the things we hate and find things that make us happy. Find your passion!

One way to do this is to engage in positive self-talk as a way to improve our outlook on life.

Remember there are lasting positive health benefits when it comes to being able to go after happy pursuits. Your quality of life will be better.