How to Be Happy in Life

Most of the time we want to know how to be happy in life. At least in the short term. We all have to worry about wasted or misplaced time, where we do smaller more frivolous things instead of working hard on our goals and dreams.

We might scroll through social media, play video games, eat some fast food, or listen to music. It might be wasted time, but we feel good while we do it.

But what about all the things that we do that don’t make us happy in life? What about whenever we waste hours and hours of our day driving through a hectic commute to work?

Or when we have to do the backlog and busy work for our business that isn’t as fun as creating new content?

Well, that’s wasted time too, and also why we sometimes feel increased feelings of depression, hopelessness, despair, and even resentment towards what we do.

How do we stop wasting time on things that don’t make us happy in life? Especially when some of those things need to be done?

Delegate The Tasks You Hate

Happy in LifeSometimes the things that you hate to do are things that someone else loves.

You might not be happy when inputting all the data for your business, but someone else might enjoy doing it and gain energy from the task.

Most leaders hate delegation because they will need to give up control or have a fear that the delegate might not do it right.

However, if you don’t like doing the work you probably aren’t giving your best work anyway, so why not delegate it anyway?

It’s not like someone who enjoys the work could do any worse than you can.

Plus, if you open the door to start trusting people, you might build a team that is able to do all the things you don’t want to do.

This gives you the time to do the things you do want to do.

Make That ‘Wasted Time’ Productive

Of course, some tasks such as driving a half-hour-long commute to your workplace need to be done. There’s no way around them at all.

Now, rather than wasting the commute seething about how traffic sucks and you are going to be late (which doesn’t set a good tone for your day at all), you can make that time productive.

Throw on some music, a podcast, an audiobook, or make some phone calls. If you are going to be in the car you may as well make that time productive for you.

Find ways to add some productivity to these otherwise boring tasks, and they’ll be done in no time at all! Or at least you won’t feel like you wasted time doing nothing.

Consider A Change

Happy in LifeIf you are spending more time doing things that make you unhappy than you are on the things that bring you joy in life, then consider making a change.

Do you need to change careers? Change cities? Maybe seek a new position in the company you work for?

A change can be scary, but what’s even scarier is living a life without unlocking your true potential.

Think over it, but if you don’t want to waste time on the things that make you unhappy and instead want to focus on being happy for a change, then you might need to make the change.

Then you can spend the majority of the hours in the day doing all the things you want to do, instead of boring and draining busywork.

Heal Yourself: Seeking Out Joyful Moments

According to psychologist and relationship researcher Marisa T. Cohen Ph.D., CPLC there is a distinct difference between happiness and joy.

Happiness is an emotion that is automatic as are the outward effects such as smiling and laughing.

Joy is a more considered process and is considered a feeling. We stop to think about something and process it and it may bring about a feeling of joy.

An example of this may be looking at your significant other and imagining how great a parent they might be.

This can bring about a feeling of joy.

As joy is tied to our cognitive assessment and reasoning it is something that we can seek and manufacture for ourselves.

Seeking out joy in life can be a very healing process especially during times of hardship.

Amass The Small Joys

Happy in LifeAs our lives move forward at breakneck speed we often miss out on the small joys because we allow ourselves to get carried away.

Each and every day countless small joys can enter into our lives; we just need to be willing to see them.

These small joys can be a host of things such as:

  • A morning cup of coffee
  • A smiling child
  • Playing with your dog
  • Listening to music you love

There are so many things out there that make you feel joyful when you do them or see them.

If you make sure to pay attention to these things the joy will gradually add up and help you get through even the toughest days.

So, look for the small joys to help you heal yourself.

Start A Conversation

Amanda Joy Friedman MSEd, SBL the founder of the Atlas School for Autism understands a great deal about the need for communication.

Friedman suggests that conversation is a bridge that connects emotional aspects such as vulnerability and humor with facts and reality.

It creates a connection between people and when we talk with people with whom we are comfortable we often feel a sense of joy.

Those talks with a friend into the early hours of the morning putting the world to rights, while you laugh and just enjoy each other’s company, brings about joy.

It leaves us feeling heard and valued, which is important to our emotional happiness.

More Play

Just one word, it’s very simple, “Play.” We did it as kids: running around, riding bikes, swimming, and just plain having fun.

This doesn’t have to end when we grow up, we can still play. Take up a sport, join a club, do something that is just plain fun.

When we make time to enjoy ourselves, we are to be happy in life and this is a very healing thing to do.

Spread Kindness

When we are seeking joy, we may often be searching for things that make us happy such as having fun, hanging with friends, and other such things.

But there is also some joy to be found in helping others find joy.

So many people are in situations in which joy is a rare luxury. When we try to help those less fortunate than us, we bring relief to their lives.

In some cases, receiving the gift of your time or donations can bring special joy to someone.

You may wonder how bringing joy to a stranger might make you feel better.

It’s actually quite simple, seeing the joy in the face of someone you have helped is contagious.

Knowing you have made someone’s day can give you a positive feeling of having done something amazing.

How to be Happy When Life is No Video:

Final Thoughts

Joy and happiness are all around us, we just need to open our eyes and look for them.

Seek your happiness but also give joy back out to the world.

In doing so you will find yourself healing emotionally and you will be happy in life.