How to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem

Strengthen Your Self-EsteemWhen it comes to your confidence level in yourself, it is important that you know how to strengthen your self-esteem. In fact when you have confidence in yourself and your abilities your feelings of self-worth and how much you respect yourself will increase.

From how you see the world to the choices you make, your self-esteem affects everything in your life.

One of the main building blocks of a healthy and happy you are having strong self-esteem. As a result, you will have more confidence in yourself and will make better choices.

Here Are Some Tips on How to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem

Stopping the Criticism:  You will need to find a way to stop criticizing yourself and everything you do. You are never going to be perfect. You will make mistakes. The idea is to learn from the mistakes and accept that you are enough.

Making a List of Your Qualities: Looking at the positives of who you are is a good way to see who you really are. If you are unsure of those positive qualities ask people you trust to tell you what they like about you. You might be surprised to find that you are pretty terrific.

Setting Realistic and Obtainable Goals: When you set personal goals for yourself set up a reward system. It is important that you set up goals that are obtainable.

Trying to lose forty pounds in a month is not realistic and sets you up to feel like a failure. However, setting small, obtainable goals will have you moving forward.

Before you know it, you will have reached your goal and you will feel better about yourself.

Take Good Care of Yourself: You will feel better about yourself, your self-esteem will grow when you take care of yourself. Self-care should include eating a healthy diet, getting some exercise, and having a good night’s sleep.

Make Your Thoughts Positive: Sometimes we get in our heads and our thoughts turn negative. This is not going to help you feel better about yourself and it isn’t going to strengthen your self-esteem.

Think about all the positive aspects of your life. You might want to try meditation if you want to encourage more positive thoughts.

Try to Not Make Comparisons: It is really very unhealthy to try to compare yourself to someone else. You have no idea if they have a fantastic life or they are messed up. You are a unique person and you should try to have pride in who you are.

Be Kind to Yourself: It is important to treat yourself well. Take yourself out for lunch at a favorite restaurant. Who says you need company! Read a good book, go to a spa for a treatment, walk on the beach. Just be kind to yourself.

Meditation is Important: No you won’t be sitting cross-legged in a field doing mantras! Meditation is an opportunity to release stress from your mind and body. There are plenty of great meditation apps available or even try YouTube. It is a great way to connect with yourself.

Making Good Decisions: When you have a good amount of self-esteem, you have more respect for yourself.

As a result, you will make better decisions in all areas of your life. This will also boost your self-respect.

Is Anyone Really Perfect: The answer is no. Perfection is an unattainable goal. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone fails from time to time.

It is important to not get hung up on things when they go wrong or don’t turn out the way you want them to. Life is all about lessons!

Change the Way You Look at Life:

Having healthy self-esteem can change the way you look at life. When we have healthy self-esteem we are more likely to make good decisions.

In fact, we are able to work towards our goals and we have happier lives.

These tips are just a suggestion on the ways you can strengthen your self-esteem and create the best life for yourself.

What are the Causes of Low Self-Esteem?

If you have a self-esteem problem, you may wonder where it came from so it is important to have a better understanding of the origins.

Most often it is a combination of things, rather than one episode that caused you to feel less of yourself.

Here are a few thoughts on contributing factors that may have caused your low self-esteem.

Influences from Childhood: This could be a result of you seeing a parent or other important adult with low self-esteem.

As a result, you have developed a similar problem with self-esteem. Unfortunately, it has become a learned behavior.

Authority Figure Influences: When we are growing up we are highly influenced by the people around us.

If you had a parent or authority figure who made you feel inadequate, you will have grown up feeling you are not good enough.

Perhaps they were unsupportive when it came to your accomplishments. Or no matter how hard you tried, what you did was never good enough.

Although they may have thought they were only trying to encourage, they in fact robbed you of your self-esteem.

Having an Unstable Childhood: If you grew up in a chaotic home, you may have ended up feeling insecure or worthless.

If there were lots of fighting going on in your family, or you moved around a lot, you may have been left feeling terribly unsure of yourself.

Being Abused: Any kind of abuse can cause a person to have low self-esteem.

Whether or not it was physical or emotional abuse, it could have left you traumatized. Especially if that abuse came from someone you trusted.

Unsuccessful Relationships: Having unsuccessful relationships can lead to feelings of inadequacy. If there was a bad break-up you may feel that you are to blame and you focus on all the things you could have done differently.

This just leads to more feelings of not being good enough and is a hit on your self-esteem.

Societal Pressures: This can be the number one reason for many people having low self-esteem. When we have to worry about the expectations of others, the pressure can be too great and we end up feeling we can’t measure up.

Having to give in to a lot of pressure to be different often leads to low self-esteem.

Meet Yourself: A User’s Guide to Building Self-Esteem Video:

In the video, Niko encourages the audience to write down the 10 things that they admire about themselves. I encourage you to do the same!

Final Thoughts: 

It is important to figure out where your low self-esteem issues started. Once you have a better idea as to the contributing factors, you will be able to strengthen your self-esteem and feel better about yourself.

This might be a good time to see a therapist to help you navigate this area so you can be the best person you can be!