7 Ways To Improve Longevity

Are you interested in living past a hundred years? Do you also want to be in good shape both physically and mentally? This is totally possible. You can have a long and prosperous life by following a few guidelines to improve longevity.

However, your genes do play a role as well, but only about 25%, so there is a good chance you can reach the ripe old age of a hundred!

Here is a list of things you can do to help incorporate healthy lifestyle habits to promote a much longer and prosperous life:

#1 – Have a Sense of Purpose

Improve Longevity

When you have a goal or a purpose for your life, you have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. This makes life more enjoyable as well.

It doesn’t matter that you have retired, it is crucial that you have something to occupy your mind as well as your body.

Having a close connection to your family and your community can also make a difference.

Whether you spend your day with your kids or grandkids, doing gardening, learning something new, or joining a local club, you have a purpose.

Be useful by volunteering as this is also a great way to foster a sense of purpose. You might consider getting a pet since you will have something that needs you for feeding or walks.

Studies show that people who have pets are less likely to get depressed or lonely. This is also a great way to be more physically fit and improve longevity.

#2 – Reduce Stress

Improve Longevity

It is important that you figure out how to reduce the stress in your life as many diseases are a result of too much stress. Also, by reducing stress you can reduce inflammation in the body.

Start by taking a daily walk, listening to your favorite music, and hanging out with friends who make you feel good.

Another way to reduce stress is by doing a daily meditation practice or even practicing yoga.

Both of these will also help to reduce cortisol in the blood. Too much cortisol can cause weight gain, especially in the face, chest, and abdomen.

Too much cortisol can also cause high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and mood swings such as anxiety or depression.

Another way to reduce stress is to stop smoking and reduce excessive alcohol consumption. If you do drink, try to keep to one or two drinks per day.

#3 – Improve Sleep

Improve Longevity

It is important to get a good night’s sleep. Studies have found that people who sleep less than six hours at night over a long period of time, double their risk of disease.

This can result in a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, or even premature death.

Here are a few tips to get a better night’s sleep from the National Sleep Foundation:

  • Don’t have your bedroom too warm. Set the thermostat between sixty and sixty-seven degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Have the bedroom as dark as possible. Invest in some black-out curtains.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. This makes for a routine that will help you sleep better.
  • Try to stop watching the television or being on any of your devices at least an hour before bed. This will help you to relax before bed.
  • It is a good idea to replace your mattress if it is more than ten years old.

#4 – Have Good Eating Habits

We all know the importance of eating food that supports health.

Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and stay away from fat (especially saturated fat and trans fat), and reduce salt, and sugar.

You might consider taking supplements and multivitamins, especially Calcium and Vitamin D.

Both Vitamin D and Calcium helps to preserve bone loss and as well will boost the immune system.

#5 – Drink Lots of Water

This tip is important. You need to stay hydrated in order to keep the cells hydrated which plumps the skin for a youthful look.

As well, drinking plenty of water helps clean out the bladder, colon, and kidneys.

Did you know that drinking water helps to improve concentration skills? It also helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Another reason to drink plenty of water is that it helps keep the joints both healthy and flexible.

There is also an added bonus to drinking water. It helps us to feel fuller longer which means we may end up eating fewer calories.

This is a good thing especially if you are trying to lose weight.

#6 – Exercise

Improve LongevityOne of the benefits of exercise is that it can keep your body from getting chronic diseases like diabetes, or heart problems, or even cancer.

If you have too much weight on your body, you can be at risk for many different diseases that can affect the quality of your life.

Exercising is not just about being physically fit, but it is also about being mentally fit.

One way to be more mentally fit is by exercising your mind by doing crossword puzzles or even math games.

Learning a new skill or reading can also be a way to challenge your mind and keep it healthy.

Jeanne Calment, a French woman, died in 1997 at the age of one hundred and twenty-two years old.

She was still riding a bike at a hundred years old and even took up fencing lessons when she was eighty-five!

#7 – Stay Socially Active

When you stay socially active, you get to boost the immune system and even ward off certain diseases.

Having an active social life can also help lower cholesterol levels and add many happy years to your life.

People need people.

It is important to hang out with friends or family and your community as this can keep depression at bay.

Final Thoughts!

At the end of the day, isn’t it important that if you want to live to a hundred years or more, being positive and living a healthy lifestyle is the way to do that?

It is important to have a healthy outlook as well in order to live your best life.

Maintaining a positive outlook and being resilient in the face of challenges is also important as a way to improve longevity.

Improve Longevity – 12 Signs That You’ll Live to 100 Years Old Video:

Improve Longevity